FREZITE General Catalogue | Catalogue Général

02 125 WWW . F R E Z I T E . C O M Dim. Ref. B=60 707.431 B=100 707.433 B=130 707.435 B=150 707.436 B=180 707.437 B=230 707.439 M10x1x20 705.552.01 SW5 706.105 724.401 724.402 724.404 Dim. Ref. HS Ref. HSP Ref. HW 60x30x3 771.060.30 771.060.31 773.060.30 100x30x3 771.100.30 771.100.31 773.100.30 130x30x3 771.130.30 771.130.31 773.130.30 150x30x3 771.150.30 771.150.31 773.150.30 180x30x3 771.180.30 771.180.31 773.180.30 230x30x3 771.230.30 771.230.31 773.230.30 563 ! Pressure nipple scheme Schéma pour la distribution de pression Knife - Plaquette Spare parts - Pièces de rechange Clamping wedge - Cale Screw - Vis T Wrench - Clé en T Grease pump.- Pompe de chargement Grease cartridge.- Charge Safety ring.- Bague de sécurité You should always use the safety ring 724.404 (1) while setting up the cutter. Utiliser toujours la bague de sécurité 724.404 (1) pour montage du porte-outils hydro. Hydro planing cutterhead Porte-outils hydro à raboter ATTENTION! ATTENTION! HS HSP HW Softwood Bois tendres ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ Hardwood Bois dur ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ Recommended - Recommandé ✓ Partly suitable - Applicable