FREZITE General Catalogue | Catalogue Général
250 WWW . F R E Z I T E . C O M S= 12 D LC LT S Z Ref. 10 38 90 12 2 A101.010.140.12 12 38 90 12 2 A101.012.140.12 14 38 90 12 2 A101.014.140.12 16 38 90 12 2 A101.016.140.12 18 38 90 12 2 A101.018.140.12 20 38 90 12 2 A101.020.140.12 22 38 90 12 2 A101.022.140.12 24 38 90 12 2 A101.024.140.12 n max.: 18.000-30.000 rpm A101 MEC D LC LT S Z Ref. 2 7 40 6 2 A242.002.307.06 3 10 55 6 2 A242.003.310.06 10 55 8 2 A242.003.310.08 4 12 55 8 2 A242.004.312.08 5 12 55 8 2 A242.005.312.08 6 12 55 8 2 A242.006.312.08 8 20 55 8 2 A242.008.118.08 10 20 80 10 2 A242.010.120.10 12 26 90 12 2 A242.012.126.12 n max.: 16.000-30.000 rpm A242 A242 LC LT A242 Grooving cutter Fraise à défoncer Grooving cutters, solid tungsten carbide Fraise à défoncer, carbure massif Application: For boring, grooving and sizing solid wood, coated, veneered and uncoatedwood base materials such as chipboard, plywood, MDF, etc. Machine: For CNCmachines, stationary routers, portable routers, etc. Technical information: Solid tungsten carbide (HW) router with grinded top for boring. Application: Pour perçage, rainer et dresser dans bois massif, dérivés du bois avec ou sans revê- tements tels que agglomérés, contreplaqués, MDF, etc. Machine: PourmachinesCNC, machines station- naires, machines portatives, etc. Caractéristiques techniques: Corps au carbure monobloc (HW). Affutage en bout pour perçage.
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