FREZITE General Catalogue | Catalogue Général

279 06 WWW . F R E Z I T E . C O M D α LC LT S Z Ref. 9,5 90º 11,0 42,0 6 2 A122.909.111.06 90º 11,0 42,0 8 2 A122.909.111.08 12,7 60° 16,0 44,5 6 2 A122.912.116.06 60° 16,0 47,5 8 2 A122.912.116.08 12,7 90° 12,7 41,5 6 2 A122.912.112.06 90° 12,7 44,0 8 2 A122.912.112.08 19,1 90° 16,0 45,0 6 2 A122.919.116.06 90° 16,0 48,0 8 2 A122.919.116.08 25,4 90° 19,0 48,0 6 2 A122.925.119.06 90° 19,0 51,0 8 2 A122.925.119.08 MAN n max.: 18.000-27.000 rpm A122 Bevel and "V" - grooving cutter Fraise en "V" Application: "V" grooving router for solid wood, coated, veneered and uncoatedwood basemate- rials such as chipboard, plywood, MDF, etc. Machine: For CNCmachines, stationary routers, portable routers, etc. Technical information: Steel body and brazed tungsten carbide teeth’s (HW). Application: Pour rainer en "V" en bois massif, dérivés du bois avec ou sans revêtements tels que agglomérés, contreplaqués, MDF, etc. Machine: PourmachinesCNC, machines station- naires, machines portatives, etc. Caractéristiques techniques: Corps en acier et tranchants au carbure rapportés (HW).