
 Dec 23, 2013vor 11 Jahren

Team makes the balance of the year

Nearly 50 Frezite employees have met in the AEBA auditorium, at Trofa, to do an overall balance of the 2013 performance, and align the strategy for the next year. Growing up, the company took advantages of this meeting and performed some group dynamics, not only to strengthen the knowledge and interaction between colleagues, but also to provide the team with the arguments to meet the challenges in 2014.

 Oct 22, 2013vor 11 Jahren

Frezite stands out on an exhibition in Brazil

A larger number of visitors come to our both at the exhibition FORMAR - Resale and Woodwork fair. The event took place at the Immigrants exhibition Centre, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between October 17 and 19th. The company used this event to present the new products in the circular saws range, and also their arguments for resale. The high acceptance of the visitors proves the success of this participation.

 Oct 18, 2013vor 11 Jahren

Frezite has a new saw blades catalog

The continuous growth of products in the circular saw blades family, sustains the need for a new saw blade catalog, that was presented in September. Available in digital format, Frezite released a bilingual catalog which, as usual, is available in English – Spanish and English – French. The catalog is published for consultation, on the website, in downloads menu.

 Oct 8, 2013vor 11 Jahren

Frezite supports partner in Ecuador

A trip to the Ecuadorian market was held in October, and was intended to provide technical assistance to Frezite agent in the South American market. Investing in partnerships with high added value, Frezite supported the participation of his agent in the exhibition Madexpo 2013 in Quito, Ecuador’s capital, between October 2 and 05th.

 Oct 7, 2013vor 11 Jahren

Frezite participates in a Belarus exhibition

Frezite participates in woodworking exhibition 2013, held in Minsk, Belarus, between October 01 and 04th. This was the first participation in a Belarusian market exhibition, where the company already has some contacts. The event held in the Belarusian capital has already brought results, as the company increased 2013 sales in that Eastern Europe market.

 May 6, 2013vor 11 Jahren

Frezite's renewed presence in Ligna 2013

Regular attendance in Ligna, considered the world´s biggest event of the Wood industry, Frezite will, once again, be in Hanover, Germany, between 6 and 10 May. In its 35th year of existence, Frezite will reinforce its presence at this fair, which functions as a meeting point for agents of the wood and the industry area and associated industries.

 Mar 26, 2013vor 11 Jahren

Frezite Brazil in FIMMA 2013

Once again Frezite Brazil has participated in the 11ª edition of FIMMA – International fair of Machinery, Raw Materials and Accessories for the Furniture Industry, Sponsored by the Association of furniture Industry of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the event which is always held in odd years, occurred between March 18 and 22nd, in Bento Gonçalves Park Event.

 Mar 12, 2013vor 12 Jahren

Frezite introduces complementary solutions

Thinking about the profitability of its customer, the Construction Solutions Divisions of FREZITE has been introducing accessories that complement or improve the performance of framework professionals. An example of this is the FX2 60 3D pivot hidden hinge that combines design and functionality for doors. The cutting pliers for the industry - for use on plastic, wood and rubber profiles - alongside the TEB700 embed spring are other examples that attest to the comprehensiveness and complementarity of the solutions that FREZITE has been launching in the market.

 Feb 18, 2013vor 12 Jahren

Frezite launches new Segments hogger

The great flexibility is the best added value of the 893 segments hogger that FREZITE introduced to the marker. Designed with a modular system, the hogger allows for a wider cutting width, depending on the customer’s needs. The possibility of replacing the saw and the segments without dismounting the hogger of the machine is another of the advantages of this product, presented with lighter features due to the light alloy body. The hogger 893 also allows the use of saws with various settings and tooth geometries. It also easily adjusts the segments for length and cross-cutting (reducing the risk of breakage at the beginning or end of the cut). This way, FREZITE will increase its wide product offering.

 Jan 23, 2013vor 12 Jahren

Frezite launches new saw blades

FREZITE launched two new circular saw blades, which differentiate themselves by their high resistance to wear and by the high finishing quality that they provide. Both saw blades are intended for use in sliding table saw machines with scoring sawtable disc. The first, referred to as 866 - PLUS, has high resistance tungsten carbide edges with ensure a longer life between resharpenings. On the other hand, the Maratona Circular Saw Blade ensures better cutting quality for well finished surfaces. It is suitable for chipboard or MDF panels with high-gloss finish, or corian, among others. For length and cross cutting. These two new products attest to FREZITE’s strong capabilities for innovation and production.